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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

The importance of supplements for best ager

As we can see in our personal surroundings and (unfortunately) in our own – the older we grow the harder it gets to stay fit and healthy.

As of the age of 30 the body loses up to one percent of muscle tissue each year whereas body fat percentage increases. Studies show that our muscle tissue decreases by 30 to 40 percent by the time we reach the age of 80 resulting in a slow metabolism and less energy consumption. Consequently, the reduced appetite and food intake lead to even more muscular atrophy and increase the risk of falls and bone factures.

So, what could be the solution?

Last year the German Institute of nutrition research published a very interesting study with the following situation: There are three randomly mixed comparison groups with women and men (aged between 65 and 85). The first group received a precise exercise plan while having their usual diet. The second one received the identical plan but a high-protein supplement as well. The third group supplemented omega 3 fatty acids additionally to an exercise plan and high-protein supplement. Eight weeks later the participants were put to diverse tests, for example the “chair-stand up” assessing their physical condition. It measures how long it takes people to stand up from a chair. Overstepping 10 seconds some muscle exercises are advisable.

Due to regular sports activities all the participants had significant improvements, but group 3 (both supplements) recorded the most benefits. The concentration of OMEGA 3 fatty acids is directly linked to the occurrence of classic geriatric disorders, but there is still no scientific reason. But often it’s more important for the elder ones – as has been pointed out seniors are more likely to eat less and thereupon a lack of proteins results. Furthermore, older people need about 25 percent more proteins than youngers to preserve bone structure and muscles.

We exert our muscles for every movement in our everyday life. The ones we train actively especially relieve our heart. If we step up stairs for example, powerful leg muscles enable us to reach the stairs more easily – we are less exhausted, and our heart is also pounding less. Besides that, our muscles protect our joints because muscles enclose all our bones. In the case of falling powerful muscles function as buffers and minimize the risk of serious injuries.

This clearly shows the fundamental significance of supplements for best agers because they depend on a healthy nutrition and fitness more than any other age groups. Our experts are happy to develop the perfect product for your desired target group – just get in touch.


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