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  • Writer's pictureLisa Hager

Introducing: the most popular supplements

The supplement market is continuously growing, but which supplements are actually the most popular ones?

The all time big sellers with over 70 % market share are still vitamins and minerals. Having a closer look into this segment, vitamin C has been number one for many years, closely followed by vitamin A and D. The minerals’ top seller list is led by magnesium with zinc ranking second. Apparently, immune supportive ingredients play a major role for customers for the pandemic has put the focus even more on health related issues. This may have led to more exercising and thus making magnesium an important supplement for physically active people.

Consumers seem to prefer combined preparations over single ingredients in order to cover more vitamin and mineral demands at once. The increased amount of people with a vegan diet may be the reason why products with B-vitamins performed very well lately, because this group of vitamins is most likely to be underrepresented in a sole plant-based nutrition. Regarding dosage forms capsules and tablets remain the top sellers with more and more vegan agents like cellulose instead of gelatin. But new dosage such as chewable jelly gums conquer the market rapidly. Click here to find out more about the new chew gums!

Considering the current inflation rate, the increasing turnover is even more valuable. This is not only an economically positive effect, but also personal as it shows a growing awareness for physical health. Most of the turnover is earned in drug stores, followed by grocery stores and pharmacies. Also, the market is highly fragmented indicating that smaller and more individual businesses find and serve their niches.

We’d be happy to give our advise regarding the ideal supplement for your target group. Get in touch with us.


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