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Food supplements, functional food and sports nutrition are familiar terms to you? You have a heart for exercise? Or for food? Or maybe both? You're a friendly person who is very self-organised and respectful with people?

Then you are what we're looking for!


We offer a very familiar and family-friendly working space with a fair salay. Thanks to flexible working hours and the freedom to choose whatever workplace you like (in the office, at home or at your favorite café) we can provide the best work-life-balance possible! New (product) ideas are welcome to be pitched and will be realized in no time due to flat hierarchy. And in case of having a bad day, our office dog Kurt is always happy to accompany you on a extended walk to the near lake. Unless it's raining, then belly rubs will do trick and keep you both warm and dry ;)

Our customers deserve the best complete package, starting from the mere product idea to development, layout and the finished product.

In our ideal imagination you have completed a commercial education with professional experience or a degree of business administration knowing at least one foreign language. In addition, you have a certain knowledge of healthy nutrition and supplements.


We look forward to being joined by open-minded and health-conscious fellow coworkers who support our young company in expanding our business in Germany and abroad.

Lockeres Meeting


+++ currently no vacant positions +++

Of course we appreciate spontaneous applications as well. Please send us your CV and some significant information about yourself to and tell us why you shall become a member of our team!

Frau arbeitet
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