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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

The recent boom of food supplements

In terms of economic aspects, the pandemic wasn’t just a mere curse after all. Many branches could even benefit from the consumers’ changing lifestyle, most of all the healthcare industry.

Its turnover has been growing for years, not only in Germany and Europe, but also worldwide. Even this year, experts anticipate an annual growth of 6% against all odds like inflation and huge turnover decreases in other sectors. But where do all these new customers come from?

Apparently, the pandemic played a great part in this development. Even people who weren’t interested in healthcare issues at all, could not avoid dealing with it now. Supporting your immune system has never been more important and kind of trendy than ever before. Due to lockdowns and hence limited leisure activities people’s focus shifted more and more towards themselves and their own health. Many of us found a new hobby in cooking and developed interest in food and exercising, but also questioned their lifestyle and diet habits.

Many people can’t help but notice that it can be quite tricky to cover all demands for vitamins, minerals and nutrients even with a well-balanced diet. Some forms of nutrition like veganism automatically require the need for supplementation, especially vitamin B12 which is otherwise only available by animal-based nutrition.

Supplements keep becoming more important with a worldwide annual turnover of more than 20 billion EUR. The organic food trend also spills over to supplements with an increased demand for organic vitamin sources as well as ecologically friendly and recyclable packaging.

Of course we will strive for realizing all of your customers’ wishes in regards of raw material origin and packaging solutions. We’d love to hear more about your ideas and current trends in order to offer all our possibilities to make your product come alive.


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