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  • Writer's pictureLisa Hager

The Global Uptrend of Vegan Protein Products

By now, nearly every single grocery store shelf indicates that vegan diet is no longer a niche trend. The total amount of vegan food has been going up for years. And there are many more buyers of vegan products than the 3.2% vegans living in Germany. Moral issues have been the main reason to buy plant-based food for a long time. But nowadays the increased awareness of healthcare and a balanced diet made people more conscious for decreasing their meat consumption.

It was the German physician Prof. Dr. Lothar Wendt who made the groundbreaking discovery in the 1950s that too much animal protein might be the reason for our civilization diseases like cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome or even Diabetes. He also discovered that animal protein cannot be broken down sufficiently which leads to various malfunctions in the human body. That’s why he called it the protein storage disease. His discoveries are being researched till this day but is considered proven.

The times when we thought our protein needs can only be met by enormous amounts of meat are over. But does this also apply to athletes that require an even higher protein intake? How can they ensure a sufficient protein supply? Regardless of their form of nutrition many competitive athletes rely on supplements. That’s the reason why a lot of manufacturer deal with with vegan products, just as we do. Especially protein powder and protein bars are top sellers.

Both powders and bars can easily be produced without classical whey protein or egg protein. Therefore, switching is pretty simple – there is a huge number of plant-based alternatives. Soy, pea or rice protein are most popular in the German market, but even newcomer as lupin is high.

Either single or combined they are manufactured with a protein content which is as good as their animal equivalent. Of course, both products can be augmented with further vitamins or nutrients. There is also no difference in taste, refining the products with chocolate flavour for example is unproblematic. Customers use vegan protein powders with water as well as different alternatives to milk, smoothies and bowls are also possible.

We are already producing various vegan protein products and we can provide assistance whenever needed. Please contact us – we are happy to advice you!

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