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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

What is sports nutrition?

Sports nutrition is a group of food and supplements primarily designed to meet the specific requirements and needs of (amateur) athletes. Those products target various training goals like muscle building, condition improvement, and weight gaining or loss. Sports nutrition contains the very nutrients in high doses that help athletes accomplish their goals.

One major group of nutrients is mostly associated with sports nutrition: proteins. They are the fundamental components of our muscles and hence not only essential for active people. The average person needs about 0.8 g of proteins per kg body weight per day, athletes with 2.0 g even more. In order to accomplish their training goals a well balanced and varied diet is crucial for professional and amateur sportsmen and -women. Specially designed sports nutrition supports the body with highly dosed nutrients. Sports nutrition is also an ideal alternative when you suffer from food intolerances or simply want to avoid certain foodstuff.

But the sports nutrition range is not limited to protein powders, although it’s the top selling product type. Products with creatin, glutamine, zinc, EAAs and carbohydrates are very popular among athletes. Besides powder mixtures there are various dosage forms like tablets, capsules as well as bars and liquids.

If you want to launch your own sports nutrition product, feel free to reach out to us!


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