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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

Plant food and its importance for our bodies

It’s not a secret that a plant-based nutrition is crucial in a well-balanced diet, but why is that actually? Besides a more balanced ratio of energy density to satiation and nutrients, plant food also provides lots of secondary phytochemicals which contribute to our digestive system and our entire health.

Secondary phytochemicals serve the plants as natural colourant, provide protection against predators or microbial attacks and have a function as aromatic and messenger substances. Though they are not regarded as essential nutrients, they still have a huge influence on metabolic processes which seems to indicate various health benefits. Plants with a high content of these phytochemicals are commonly known as superfoods and often part of functional food products. The supplement market also recognized their potential as new ingredients such as:


Artichoke is well-known from Mediterranean cuisine where the thistle-like plant with its edible flower heads has been appreciated for its slightly bitter taste. And it’s the very bitter substances that stimulate digestion und support the liver function. For supplements the leaves’ extract is the most common part to use as it contains many secondary phytochemicals.


In Germany, cranberries are less common than in the United States, however the precious berries become rightly more and more popular – either as topping for bowls and porridges or as pure juice. They come up with a high content of vitamin C and proanthocyanidins demonstrating a high antioxidant power. They are also said to have an anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory effect.

Common hop

It might make you smile, but there is more to hop than just being the main ingredient of beer. Common hop is a species of climbing plant in the hemp family. It contains important bitter substances as well as upt o 1.5% essential oils with sesquiterpene derivates and flavonoids.


Turmeric or curcuma has become an important part in the world of healthy food. The bright and yellow root belongs to the Ginger family and is commonly used as spice, natural colour and herbal remedy. It’s the main ingredient in curry blends and cause for its typical yellow colour which comes from the secondary phytochemical curcumin. Curcumin is verifiable known for its digestive support, several studies also indicate an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkins are probably the most popular vegetable during autumn with their peak on Halloween. A lot of delicious meals can be made of it like pumpkin cake, soup or compote. But not only the fruit, also the seeds are highly interesting food. Besides vitamin E, selenium and linoleic acid they contain much phytosterols. Especially omega-6 fatty acids like linoleic acid are very popular in supplements as only few foods provide considerable amounts naturally.


Grapes are the fruits of vines, mostly consisting of water and a relatively high amount of fructose. But they also provide valuable micro nutrients like vitamin A, B6 and C as well as iodine, folic acid, manganese and secondary phytochemicals. You’ve probably heard of them being a natural source of polyphenols like resveratrol as well as flavonoids like quercetin and myricetin. The extracts of grape skin, seed or grapevine are mostly used for supplements.

Just with these little insights you can tell the incredibly high amount of plant nutrients. Many people have difficulties covering their vitamin demands solely by nutrition, making supplements an important part of their diet. If you’re looking for a manufacturer that helps you developing your own supplement, you need to rely on someone with a wide knowledge of the law situation regarding those plant nutrients as there are plenty of legal requirements to consider. Feel free to contact us in case of any questions.

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