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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Their Role in the Body

Chew Gums: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids hold profound importance for the human body. They're like the building blocks of our cell membranes, playing an important role in maintaining health and performing a multitude of functions within the body. Notably, omega-3 fatty acids can be categorized into plant-based and animal-derived types. Recent research indicates that animal-derived omega-3 fatty acids, particularly, exert a significant influence on the immune system and metabolic processes.

Now, let's break down what these omega-3s actually do inside us:

  • Making Cell Walls Strong:

These omega-3 acids are like the VIPs of our cell membranes. They make those membranes flex and help stuff flow nicely between cells, like nutrients and waste products.

  • Messengers in Action:

Omega-3s can change into these cool bioactive agents in our body. They're involved in keeping inflammation in check, blood clotting, our immune system, and other big-deal processes.

  • Cool Anti-Inflammation Moves:

Especially this one type of omega-3 called EPA and its buddy DHA are natural inflammation fighters. They can cut down on the production of troublemaking molecules and mess with inflammatory stuff in our body. This mechanism contributes to diminishing chronic inflammation, which is linked to all sorts of various diseases.

  • Heart's Health Supporter:

Omega-3s are like heart's little helpers. They can drop the pressure in our pipes, bring down those triglycerides (that's like fat in our blood), stop our blood from getting too sticky, and even make our blood vessels behave. All this jazz can lower the chances of heart problems.

  • Brain Wizardry:

DHA, one of these omega-3 acids, is like brain magic. It's a main ingredient for brain cells and plays a crucial role in neurotransmission between nerve cells. Getting enough of these omega-3s can help our smarts stay sharp and lower the odds of nervous system disorders.

  • Eye Health:

DHA is also the superstar of our eye's inner workings. Having enough omega-3s can cut down the chances of eye troubles such as macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.

  • Mood and Mind Games:

Omega-3s can mess with our feelings and mind health. Some brainiacs say they can lend a hand in dealing with depression, mood swings, and anxiety. They might mess with serotonin and dopamine, those brain chemicals that rule how we feel. Just remember, these omega-3s are like essential VIPs. Our body can't make them, so we've got to chow down on them. Fish, especially the fatty kinds like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, and stuff like algae oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are excellent sources for these omega-3 acids. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a weekly consumption of 200-220 grams of fish to keep the omega-3s flowing. Aim for around 80-150 grams of lean fish and 70 grams of fatty fish. Given that fish isn't always on the menu, you might want to pop some supplements to keep your omega-3 levels in check for the long haul. Different Ways to Get Those Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements come in all sorts of different forms. Check these out:

  • Capsules:

Omega-3 capsules are a pretty popular choice. They're those squishy gelatin capsules you might have seen around. Inside, they've got a bunch EPA and DHA, taken from fish oil, krill oil, or even algae oil. You can find these capsules in all sorts of sizes and doses. The cool thing is, they're easy to carry around, and they've got this protective coating that keeps them from tasting weird. And if you're worried about burping up a fishy taste, there are some capsules that don't let your stomach mess with them. Plus, you know you're getting the right amount every day, no guesswork.

  • Liquid Oil:

Now, here's a wild one – Omega-3s in liquid form. You can straight-up drink this oil or toss it into your salads or whatever you're munching on. Just remember, it needs to chill in the fridge, and you've got to measure it out before chugging. Don't go crazy though, too much of this oil might make you feel pretty icky and nauseous, or even mess with your bleeding tendencies. Not fun.

  • Chews or Lozenges:

But hold up, there's more. These Omega-3s can also come in chewy or lozenge forms. Super handy if swallowing pills isn't your jam or you're not a fan of oil taste. And guess what, there are even gummy versions now, like our Chew Gums. These gummies are the bomb – perfect for kids, folks who aren't buddies with pills, and seniors too. Plus, these gummies boast exceptional bioavailability owing to patented emulsion technology.

So, if you wanna dive deeper into these Chew Gums and create your own brand in this game, just give us a shout. We're stoked to hear from you!


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