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  • Writer's pictureJanine Wolf

German quality labels

In the German food system there are a plenty of quality labels for food and its production. Some of them are presented in the following paragraphs:

HACCP concept:

HACCP concept (hazard analysis and critical control points) is based on the codex alimentarius. The concept’s aim is to systematically identify all possible hazards that can cause a potential health risk and ultimately avoiding these by appropriate measures or reducing them to a tolerable level.

Organic label

This label is used for foods grown and produced according to the Council Regulation on Organic Agriculture. These regulations determine that organic foods need to be manufactured out of ecologically produced raw materials without using pesticides and synthetical fertilisers.

QS – label

The QS-label represents quality assurance among the entire production process as well as quality control from the field to the grocery store shelf. In order to receive that certification mainly legal standards and some further requirements are audited.

Faritrade – label

The label is used for foods being produced under fair trading conditions which means fair prices for manufacturers, compliance with labour laws and the use of environmentally friendly production methods.

Naturland label

This label distinguishes foods that are grown and produced according to the rules of Naturland. The directives determine the production of Naturland foods out of ecologically produced raw materials and the prohibition of pesticides and synthetical fertilisers. Additionally, Naturland foods need to be produced sustainably and support biodiversity.

IFS food certification

IFS food certification is an internationally accepted standard of IFS. The certification serves as quality inspection and is addressed to all producing and delivering businesses that process, handle and pack foodstuffs. Depending on the type of business there are different IFS certifications like IFS Food, Global Markets, Logistics or Broker.

There are much more labels and certifications in the German food system focusing on different aspects of food production and quality. If there are any upcoming questions our experts will gladly help you.


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